Mad as a hatter?
Through the years I have counseled dozens upon dozens of people that actually fit this description to a “T”—and not in a metaphorical sense.Why is this even a thing? Well…so glad you asked because here’s the skinny: The expression “mad as a hatter,” was originally coined decades ago to describe a crazy person or someone prone to wildly unpredictable behavior. This intimation is actually linked to the hat-making industry of the 18th and 19th centuries where hatters used mercury nitrate in the process of making felt hats. Prolonged exposure to mercury in these cases caused a variety of physical and mental ailments, including tremors (dubbed “hatter’s shakes”), arrhythmia, speech problems, emotional instability, rage, and even hallucinations.
With that said, let’s talk about your metal teeth fillings. Evidence linking mercury exposure from metal fillings to psychological disorders has been accumulating for 70+ years. The recognized psychological symptoms of mercury toxicity include irritability, excitability, temper outburst, quarreling, fearfulness, restlessness, depression, and in some cases insomnia. In studies of individuals who had the mercury amalgam fillings removed, the majority noted marked psychological improvement.
But wait! There’s more: Mercury amalgam fillings suppress the thyroid, contribute to diabetes, weight gain, cancer, immune disorders, MS, dementia disorders, memory loss, fibromyalgia, painful feet/hands, muscle weakness, confusion/disorientation, food intolerances, frequent infections, skin rashes, kidney distress and failure, hormone imbalance, gender bending and more!
Simply toothbrushing over one mercury amalgam filling produced 61.61 micrograms of mercury vapors—in just one brushing—according to DR Oz! Mercury vapors will also constantly off-gas in the mouth producing an insidious, invisible and deadly poison. Like radiation, it can’t be seen, tasted or smelled but kills you slowly.
Newsflash!! Mercury is not just used in teeth fillings! Mercury is used as a popular medical disinfectant for bandages, diapers, eye drops, medications and even Kotex. Mercury is also used in process to make High Fructose Corn Syrup (then recovered—mostly…) It is also used as a vaccine adjuvant (disinfects while making the immune response to the vaccine work “better”). Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to mercury’s toxic effects as mercury is a potent, developmental neurotoxin that damages the developing brain, central nervous system and the liver, kidneys.
How to safely remove old teeth fillings: For relatively healthy teeth with smaller metal fillings: take 4 tablets of chlorella the day before procedure and daily for at least 2 weeks after; always use a throat dam during filling removal; drill at low speed (about half of normal speed); don’t heat up the filling (will atomize the mercury and can permanently damage the tooth); undercut the filling if possible to bring it out whole (grinding it out vaporizes mercury to imbed it in the mouth tissues); wear an oxygen nose-piece during procedure (to avoid breathing in airborne mercury particles); rinse thoroughly with bentonite clay immediately following procedure and spit it out; repeat the bentonite swish at least twice more that day; refuse all fluoride treatments; refuse plastic coatings over new composites as they contain feminizing, hormone-disrupting plasticizers. For larger fillings and for fillings that have turned the tooth gray, it is better IMO to extract the tooth and replace the whole tooth with a titanium or zirconium post implant and porcelain crown.