Exegetical teachings out of the Book of Acts

Lesson 1: Acts is also known as “the second Gospel of Luke”. Follow through chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 as we begin exploring this amazing record of the emerging first-century church!

Lesson 2: Chapter 1 verses 4-9 the ascension of Jesus Christ and the epaggelia promise of Baptized in Holy Spirit.

Lesson 3: Welcome to study number 3 of the Book of Acts where the disciples were stronger together through prayer. “Acts 1:14 They all joined together (pros-kratos—strong together) constantly in prayer…

Lesson 4: When and how did Judas kill himself? Why is this even important? This is some of what we delve into in this exciting episode from Acts chapter 1.

Lesson 5: This session covers the Day of Pentecost from Act 2:1-4 in living technicolor! See the outpouring of the holy spirit from the Koine Greek text.

Lesson 6: We are going line-by-line through Acts and are in chapter 2–The Day of Pentecost. Today we go for a deeper dive into Speaking in Tongues and what are the benefits and also, when and how to Speak in Tongues.

Lesson 7: We are in Acts chapter 2 in the middle of the Day of Pentecost. As soon as you start talking about this Jesus and the resurrection from the dead watch out!

Lesson 8: We are in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost with Peter giving a most excellent speech, convincing them about the resurrected Savior out of the Old Testament.

Lesson 9: We are in Acts 2:40-47 where about three thousand souls were added!

Lesson 10: Man lame from birth healed! Acts 29 Bible study. We are in Acts chapter 3:1-11 where Peter and John heal the lame man at the Temple gate Beautiful.

Lesson 11: Man lame from birth healed! Acts 29 Bible study. We are in Acts chapter 3:1-11 where Peter and John heal the lame man at the Temple gate Beautiful.

Lesson 12: We are in Acts 4:1-14 where Peter overflows with Holy Spirit and declares the power and the name the healing of the lame was done with–Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the chief cornerstone.

Lesson 13: Our prayer should be to speak the words concerning the unstoppable power of God in the resurrection!

Lesson 14: Ananias and his wife conspired to hoodwink the church and failed! Here we see Acts 2:42ff reproduced with the sale of pluralities and having all things common. Great fear (awesome reverence of God) began in the people and many signs and wonders were done by the apostles.

Lesson 15: It is said that no good deed goes unpunished! So it is with the apostles. They healed people and went to jail for it. What happens next? Jailbreak! Who do they obey now? God or man?

Lesson 16: Acts 29 Bible study: “The business of church”. A little dissension necessitates a business meeting for the new church in the end of Acts chapter 5 into chapter 6.

Lesson 17: Acts 29 Bible study: The Wisdom of God. Stephen was oozing with holy spirit and wisdom. What wisdom was that? Acts chapter 6:8-7:7

Lesson 18: Stephen gives a Judean history lesson. That is our subject title in the continued series on the Book of Acts called “Acts 29”. The accusations Stephen is answering to were: Stephen spoke against God, against Moses and against the holy place (temple).

Lesson 19: The stoning of Stephen and gnashing of teeth explained. The Book of Acts chapter 7:44-60

Lesson 20: How the first-century church was “scattered abroad” soon after the stoning of Stephen and the rise of Saul.

Lesson 21 has a serious plot-twist in Acts chapter 8 where people received the Word of God but did not manifest holy spirit. What happens next? The church officials send in Peter and John to investigate and troubleshoot the situation.

Lesson 22: Philip the Evangelist meets the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts Chapter 8. “Do you understand what you are reading?” “How can I unless someone shows me” replied the eunuch. There is a lot to this beautiful record of salvation for anyone who desires to believe.

Lesson 23: Saul had it all! Education, purpose, position. Then Saul the persecutor of Christians meets Jesus of Nazareth in the first part of Acts chapter 9.

Lesson 24: Ananias obeys God’s directive and Saul is converted to Christianity. But the script flips as political strings are pulled and Saul is now the hunted! Peace reigns in the church for a season.

Lesson 25: We are at the end of Acts chapter 9 where Peter raises Tabitha from the dead. Where does that power come from? Can it happen today?

Lesson 26: Great thinks happen near and around prayer! In Acts chapter 10, while praying, Peter has a vision involving the big Hebrew no-no over eating clean or unclean beasts. The question to answer is: Was Peter’s vision about food or people?

Lesson 27: God is no respecter of persons. The house of Cornelius gets saved and it is now evident that all nations including the Gentiles are accepted for salvation from death into eternal life with the faith in Jesus Christ.

Lesson 28: Saved before baptism? The Gentiles are manifesting Holy Spirit BEFORE baptism! We are in the end of chapter 10 going into 11.

Lesson 29: The Gentile church grows. Believers are added one-by-one-by-one to the Gentile church and the disciples are now disparagingly called “Christians”. Barnabas goes to find Saul, great famine predicted and Herod kills James and takes Peter also. All this and more in the last part of Acts chapter 11:19-12:5

Lesson 30: Herod’s last stand + The unstoppable power of prayer. When Herod makes the mistake of glorifying himself rather than God, bad things happen. In the meantime the unstoppable power of prayer is at work to free Peter from prison. Acts 12:6-25

Lesson 31: Elymas the sorcerer seeks to prevent someone from coming to Christ. This does not work out well for the trickster, AKA, “child of the devil”.

Lesson 32: Preaching the resurrection! Paul is speaking to a synagogue of Jews about the prophesied Messiah–Jesus and how he came, was crucified, buried and raised again from the dead.

Lesson 33: Hubris and violence is nothing new… This was happening in the first century to the early church. Hubris is actually a Greek word. Let’s find out what happens when you combine hubris with violence in Acts chapter 13.

Lesson 34 The fickle crowds in the stoning of Paul. Did you know that some of the agitators walked 130 miles to instigate the trouble? I bet this is sounding pretty familiar for today… Join me in Acts chapter 14 where Paul and Barnabas go from being the heroes of the day to the pariah.

Lesson 35 Salvation by works? This is the Saturday morning’s Acts 29 Bible study topic from chapter 15 where ‘certain heretics’ wanted something extra for the Gentiles to do for their salvation. Does God love us because we change? Or does God’s love change us?

Lesson 36 Fit of emotion
Paul and Barnabas are on the outs! We are at the end of chapter 15 in the book of Acts. A lot of contention going on with this “paroxysm of emotions”. What’s going to happen next? This is our Acts 29 Bible study where we are taking a year to go through the book of Acts line by line.

Lesson 37 Revival by the river! Dogma delivered? Lydia and her whole household turn to God. There is some opening of heart here. Join us in Acts chapter 16 as we watch the word of God move in the first century Church.

Lesson 38 Do you want to know how the spirit of python works? We are in Acts chapter 16 where the Apostle Paul rebukes the soothsayer. What happens when the spirit of python can no longer control the gospel message? Come with me on this journey and watch it all play out!

Lesson #39 WWPST. What would Paul and Silas do? Why, they would Heap coals of fire on their heads! Instead of getting all righteously indignant and suing the pants off of everyone Paul and Silas did something quite different. Join me in Acts chapter 16 in the first part of Acts chapter 17 and see how Paul and Silas were treated.

Lesson #40 How much are you willing to invest in finding the truth? Would you search the scriptures daily? Would you question everything you thought was true? Would you “dialogue” with others or go down arguing? Join me Saturday morning 7:30 West Coast for this Bible study about the “more noble” Bereans in Acts chapter 17. This is another installment of our line-by-line teaching through the Book of Acts titled “Acts 29”.

Lesson 41: Having a dialogue! We are in Acts chapter 18 this week where Paul reasoned (Greek word dialegomai) in the synagogue and out of the house of Justus. It must have been working because he remained there 18 months with much fruit! I would love see more biblical dialogue around me.

Lesson 42 The baptism of John vs baptism of holy spirit. Apollos teaches water baptism and Aquila and Priscilla took him home to dinner and taught him about Jesus and Holy Spirit baptism. Which baptism have you experienced?

Lesson 43 Who are you?? We are in Acts 19 where the seven sons of Sceva called out the name of Jesus in vain. “Jesus I know but who are you?” the demon asked them. What happens next is an amazing testimony to the power behind the name of Jesus and the rightful–or wrong authority to use that name.