A Bible study series subtitled “Men Without Excuses”

What are Apostles? Men Without Excuses Bible study of 1 Timothy

Lesson 1: The principle idea in this segment of 1 Timothy 1:1 is to find out the biblical idea of what an apostle is–then and today! In this Passage-Driven Expository teaching we look at specific Greek words in Timothy along with their usage in other passages to illuminate the meaning behind the principles in the overall message.

Who is Timothy? Men Without Excuses Bible study of 1 Timothy

Lesson 2: Who is Timothy? Grace, mercy and peace explained. The principle idea in this segment of 1 Timothy 1:2-4 is to identify Timothy and then explore biblical truth behind the salutation “grace,mercy, and peace”.

Love without hypocrisy. Men Without Excuses Bible study of 1 Timothy

Lesson 3: The principle idea in this segment of 1 Timothy 1:5-7 is love, good conscience and faith unpretended from which some have departed…

What the Law is Good for! Men Without Excuses Bible study of 1 Timothy

Lesson 4: What is the law good for? Here we do deep dives into the Greek word meanings out of 1 Timothy chapter 1 that help explain what our lives should look like–and when our character doesn’t match up with righteousness and love — we have the law.

The Prototype for Grace and Mercy. Men Without Excuses Bible study of 1 Timothy

Lesson 5: Paul said he was the protos-first and foremost sinner and therefore the prototype for God’s grace and mercy. Here we do deep dives into the Greek word meanings out of 1 Timothy that help explain what our lives should look like.

Types of prayer. Men Without Excuses Bible study of 1 Timothy

Lesson 6: There are 4 Greek words for “prayer” in the New Testament and all 4 are used in 1 Timothy 2:1: petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving. We will explore all 4 of these words and their usage in other places in the Bible.

One mediator between God and man. Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 7: Paul’s desire is that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands. God’s desire that all men be saved and come to a working knowledge of the truth. Bottom line: there is one God and one mediator between God and man–the man Christ Jesus! This morning we take a dive into some of the Greek words surrounding Paul’s message to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2;4-8

About that wife… Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 8: Did the Apostle Paul really just say “women be quiet”? In this session we take an in-depth look at 1 Timothy chapter 2:9-15 and Paul’s instruction to Timothy about praying in the church service.

The lifestyle of the church leader. Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 9: Want to be a Pastor? A deacon? A church leader? What should that look like? Men Without Excuses Bible study. We are going in-depth on 1 Timothy chapter 3 where Paul is telling Timothy what to look for in an overseer of the church.

Stand for your Family! Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 10: 1 Timothy 3 gives us explicit instructions as men to be “pro family” and how there is danger in putting a neophyte (Gr: neophutos—new-sprout) in leadership positions. Oh, and about their reputations…

The office of a deacon. Men Without Excuses Bible

Lesson 11: Elder or Deacon? 1 Timothy 3:8-13 A deacon is a server. How a deacon is supposed to act? They are supposed to “echo” the mystery of faith. Find out how!

Departing from faith. Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 12: Departing from faith means that you had faith at one time. Find more of Paul’s exhortation to Timothy about “episkopos” (church overseers) and “diakonos” (deacons/servers) in 1Timothy chapter 4.

Godless myths and old wives’ tales. Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 13: How to deal with godless myths and old wives’ tales out of 1 Timothy chapter 4. Men Without Excuses Bible study. This segment is starting into my favorite part of 1 Timothy where Paul addresses Timothy personally.

Get your charisma on! Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 14: Paul’s personal exhortation to Timothy! What is charisma anyhow? How to be a typeset to the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.

How to treat others in the church. Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 15: How to treat the elder and the younger men and women in the church. Conflict resolution! Men without excuses are not domineering and make their reproofs look more like counsels and exhortations than rebukes. Men without excuses treat others in the church with respect.

How to treat the widows in the church: Men Without Excuses

Lesson 16: Ever wonder what to do with the widows in the church? Young widows, old widows, in-between widows? 1 Timothy chapter 5 is very direct about this subject. Let’s look this from God’s perspective and economy.

No wiggle room! Men Without Excuses Bible Study

Lesson 17: How to handle conflict with an elder! Here are the answers with NO wiggle room! We are in 1 Timothy 5 for this: Against an elder never receive an accusation–except this way.

Teach these things Timothy! Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 18: Respect your boss! Ordaining of elders. Sins and good works can both rat you out. Timothy teach these things says Paul.

False gospels and blowing smoke. Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 19: We start out in this segment by watching out for false gospels and the people who promote them. We end with being content in this world with whatever we have.

Root of evil: Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 20: To be content with what have! Agonizing over our faith walk. Love of money. So much is packed into a few verses of 1 Timothy.


Finishing Strong! Men Without Excuses Bible study

Lesson 21: This is the last session in the Men Without Excuses Bible 1 Timothy study! Closing reminders by Paul to Timothy over being rich towards God.

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