Aspirin is an anti-nutrient! So what’s the alternative for daily aspirin?

First the bad news:Two of the leading causes of death is heart disease and stroke. So what does your doc tell you? Take an aspirin a day to keep the heart disease away! Hasn’t worked yet… Well, with millions of Americans blindly following this advice why didn’t death by heart disease and stroke go away–or at least fall off the leading causes of death chart? This is because aspirin actually depletes the body of folate, iron, potassium, sodium, and vitamin C while damaging vital organs and exacerbating heart conditions…

Did you know:
*Research shows that people taking aspirin regularly over a long period are up to 86% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer?
*Aspirin overdose is the 15th most common cause of drug death!
*Side effects of the regular aspirin use is intestinal bleeding, ulcers, kidney dysfunction, stroke, heartburn, indigestion, bruising, heavy bleeding and many more nasty effects.
*Clinical trials in 2011 showed that aspirin caused a 4-fold increase in hemorrhagic stroke along with an increase in ischemic stroke.
*Daily aspirin brings a 37% increase in gastrointestinal bleeding and up to a 38% increase in hemorrhagic stroke. (Overlay those two figures with the reported benefits of daily aspirin bringing a mere 10% reduction in major cardiovascular events and but causes colorectal cancer at about the same rate.)

Aspirin is not a wonder drug, it is an “I wonder why” drug.

Now the good news:If you really want to pop a pill for your heart, make it fish oil instead. Studies prove that fish oil can beat mainstream drugs across the board:
*It’s an excellent anti-inflammatory, a top-notch blood thinner.
*It will do more for your mental health than all of Big Pharma’s psych meds put together.
*Fish oil helps to prevent dangerous abnormal heart rhythms that can cause sudden cardiac death and strokes in people with known cardiovascular disease.
*Fish oil can also slow the hardening of arteries and lower blood pressure–two more important factors of heart health.

Fish oil rule of thumb: Good things aren’t very cheap and cheap things aren’t very good so find a good brand of fish oil like Nordic Naturals, Barlean’s or Carlson’s salmon oil and NEVER take the Big Pharma prescription form of fish oil.